Code of conduct



It is expected that the players for the will conduct themselves like young

professionals both on and off the playing field. The Board of Directors and Coaching staff will not tolerate any unsportsmanlike or derogatory conduct or behavior during training, practice sessions, games, tournaments, or any other Club function or event (hereinafter referred to as “Activity”).  As a participant, you are responsible for your own actions, and will be held accountable for them.

As a player, I hereby promise to uphold the following Code of


1. I promise to give 100% effort at training and in games

2. I promise to do everything in my power to assure the team has outstanding chemistry.

3. I promise to arrive early and stretch before practice begins

4. I promise to be willing to play in any playing position that is asked of me.

5. I promise to notify coach if I am injured.

6. I promise to not compete (guest) in other competitions or with any other Clubs without notifying my Coach and gaining his/her approval.

7. I promise to guest for other teams within the Club if asked

8. I promise to make younger players feel comfortable

9. I promise to encourage and mentor in a positive way all of the players younger than me with the Club

10. I promise to maintain a positive attitude during all Activities.

11. I promise to display good sportsmanship at all times.

12. I promise to play for the good of the game.

13. I will be a good soccer citizen and conduct myself with class and dignity at all times.

14. I promise to be punctual and ready for all times that I am required to be present for all Activities.  Permission to be absent from training for reasons other than illness or medical appointment, family emergency, legal obligation, religious observance, or pre-arranged field trip must be obtained from the coach and/or manager prior to the absence. Any other absence will be considered an unexcused absence.

15. I promise to be a team player and be an encouragement to my fellow teammates at all times.

16. I promise to follow the directions of my coaches and trainers

17. I promise to respect my teammates, coaches and trainers. I will accept the authority of my coach when disciplined.

18. I promise to respect and not criticize opposing players, coaches or teams.

19. I promise to respect and not criticize officials.

20. I promise that I will not use foul or degrading language while a player for the club.

21. I promise that I will not engage in any fighting or unsportsmanlike conduct during any Activity.

As a player, I hereby understand and agree to the following penalty

guidelines for not adhering to the above code of conduct. All infractions will be reviewed by the board with penalties to be defined.  Depending on the severity of the offense, expulsion from the Club may be imposed. This also includes:

·       infraction of the rules during training

·       during games

·       If a yellow or red card is given

The Player by registering with the Northern Burlington Soccer Club acknowledges that she/he has read this Player Code of Conduct and has discussed it with his/her parent(s) and/or guardian, and that he understands its meaning and effect.

Printed Name X _______________Date: X _________________

Player Signature X ____________________

The Player Parent/Guardian acknowledges that she/he has read this Player Code of Conduct and has discussed it with the player, and that she/he understands its meaning and effect.

Parent/Guardian #1 (please print) X ________________________ Date: X _________________

Signature: X ____________________________

Parent/Guardian #2 (please print) X _________________________ Date: X _________________

Signature: X ____________________________


Having a high level of sportsmanship from our players starts with the parents and guardians.

Membership in the Northern Burlington Soccer Club, and attendance at Club Activities, is a privilege, and not a right. The Club is depending upon your setting a positive example for all players, spectators and officials. It is expected that all parents/guardians of players in the Club shall conduct themselves in a manner that is of the highest standards while at training, practice sessions, games, tournaments, or any other function or event or tournaments. The NBSC Board and Coaching staff will not tolerate any unsportsmanlike or derogatory behavior during training, practice sessions, games, tournaments, or any other function or event when the players are representing the Club.

As a parent of a player for the Northern Burlington Soccer Club, I hereby pledge to provide support, care and encouragement for my child and promise to uphold the following Code of Conduct:

1. I will support the team, applaud effort and encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and opposing players, coaches and teams.

2. I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my child ahead of any personal desire to win and act responsibly.

3. I will respect and provide support for coaches, liaison and officials training and working with my child and will support all decisions, to provide a positive, enjoyable experience for all.

4. I will demand a drug, alcohol and tobacco free sports environment for my child and all children and agree to assist by refraining from their use at any and all Club activities.

5. I will remember that the game is for the children and not for the adults.

6. I will do my best to make this sports activity fun for my child and all participating children.

7. I will ask my child to treat all players, coaches, fans, liaison and officials with respect regardless of sex, creed or ability.

8. I will help my child enjoy their sports experience by ensuring that they are in attendance at all games and training sessions when scheduled, by being a respectful fan, by providing transportation and whatever else I am capable of doing to support my child and the Club.

9. I agree not to stand near the training and/or practice area and will maintain a distance of

approximately 50 yards away from training and/or practice activities so as not to cause a distraction during same.

10. I will not record any training activities and agree not to disseminate any recordings of games except for the purposes of college recruitment.

11. I will not coach any player or interfere with any coaching activities during the training and/or practice sessions or games.

12. I agree not to argue with, criticize or make any disparaging or negative comments about any player, coach, or official during training and/or practice sessions or games.

13. I will not use any foul language on the training grounds or any field or facility

14. I agree and promise that I will not direct, instruct, lecture or coach my child during matches and will only cheer with words of encouragement.

15. I agree to abide by the 48 hour/communication rule as outlined below:

a. There will be a 48 hour rule beginning at the conclusion of every game. No issues regarding

the game, playing time or player performance may be discussed until 48 hours have elapsed.

b. All lines of communication whether it is a parent, player, or coach will be handled through the team manager, as follows:

i. If a parent has a concern regarding their child, they will present their issue to the team


ii. The team manager will contact the head coach to discuss the situation.

iii. The coach will explain the situation to the team manager and then the team manager will

discuss the resolution with the parents.

iv. If the parent feels this explanation is not satisfactory or the issue continues, there will be

a meeting between the parent, team manager, head coach and Director.

c. The process is exactly the same for the coach who would like to present information or comments to the parents—the coach will communicate only through the team manager.

d. Game reports or player analysis will come from the head coach only. It is not the team

manager’s function to discuss player performance with the players or families.

16. I will not engage in any conduct adverse to the interests of the team, including but not limited to negative comments about the team or advancing rumors involving the continuing existence of the team, or causing or encouraging players to leave the team. I will report any such activity to team or club officials. I will not participate in tryouts for other soccer programs without advance notice to club officials.

17. I will speak to the Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Manager privately, and not in front of others, if an issue arises which I believe should be addressed.






The Player Parent/Guardian, by registering with the Northern Burlington Soccer Club, acknowledge that she/he/they have read the above Parents Code of Conduct and understand that my (our) failure to uphold any of these statements may result in disciplinary action by the Board of Directors or the Coaches, which may include, but is not limited to, monetary sanctions and/or the forfeiture of my or our right to attend and watch my child participate in any training, practice sessions, game, tournament, or any other Club function or event.

Parent/Guardian #1 (please print) X ___________________ Date: X ______________

Signature X __________________________________

Parent/Guardian #2 (please print) X ____________________Date: X _______________

Signature X ___________________________________


The parties to this Release are the Player registering with the Northern Burlington Soccer Club and the Player.  Parent/Guardian registering the Player with the Northern Burlington Soccer Club (if the Player is under the age of eighteen (18) all referred to hereinafter jointly and severally as “Player”) and is given in favor of the (hereinafter referred as the “Club”), the Board of Directors of the Club, and all trainers, coaches, and others engaged by and/or who volunteer with the Club from time to time, representatives and employees (collectively, the “Club and Representatives”). The Player with the consent of the Player’s parents and/or legal guardians (where applicable), has chosen to participate in the Club’s travel soccer program (hereinafter referred to as the “Activity”).

Assumption of Risk

Player expressly understands and agrees that participating in this Activity presents risks to the Player both serious and minor, including but not limited to head or other injuries, loss of sight, broken bones, brain damage, paralysis and death. Player is responsible for researching and evaluating the risks Player may face and is solely responsible for his actions. Player further recognizes, understands and agrees that the Club and Representatives assume no responsibility for any liability, damage or injury.

Indemnification and Hold Harmless

Player specifically understands that Player is personally responsible, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Club and Representatives from any action, claim or demand that Player and Player’s heirs, or legal representatives, have or may have for any and all personal injuries Player may suffer or sustain, regardless of cause or fault as a result of Player’s voluntary decision to participate in the Activity or related activities, wherever such Activity may take place, including reasonable attorney’s fees and/or any other associated costs, caused by any act or omission of Player resulting from direct or indirect participation in the Activity.

Release of Claims

In consideration of being allowed to participate in the Activity, Player, and Player’s heirs, executors, administrators, employers, agents, representatives, insurers and attorneys, hereby release and discharge the Club and Representatives from any and all claims which may arise from any cause whatsoever, including any negligent act or omission by the Club and Representatives. Player further releases and discharges the Club and Representatives from liability for any accident, illness, injury, loss or damage to personal property, or any other consequences arising or resulting directly or indirectly from Player’s participation in the Activity. The Player acknowledges and agrees that the Club and Representatives

assume no responsibility for any liability, damage, or injury that may be caused by Player’s negligent or intentional acts or omissions committed prior to, during, or after participation in the Activity, of for any liability, damage or injury caused by the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of any other participant in the activity or caused by any other person.

Travel Policy

Without limiting the Release set out above, the Club assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for travel associated with any Club Activities. Carpooling and other cooperative transportation arrangements solely involve players and parents. The Club is not involved in said travel arrangement nor is the Club in any way responsible for making such arrangements. Accordingly, parents and players who have reached the appropriate driving age as stipulated by the law, expressly agree to hold the Club, its officers, directors, and employees, and agents, harmless from any and all liability stemming from, or arising out of, injuries or death related to the transportation of players to and from Club training, practices, league, tournament play or other Activities. As for players driving, it is our recommendation that there should be

no unaccompanied minors in a vehicle.

Termination of Participation

Player understands and agrees to abide by all policies, rules, regulations and specifically, the Northern Burlington Soccer Club Players Code of Conduct and Parents Code of Conduct, (collectively, the “Code of Conduct”). Player understands that, in its sole discretion the Club or its representative may terminate the Player’s participation in the Activity at any time. Reasons for termination are set forth in Code of Conduct, but may also include, but not limited to: inappropriate conduct or other behavior by the Player deemed detrimental to the best interest of the Activity or other participants; emergencies; failure to pay; or health or safety considerations.  Final termination can only be done during the spring season however based on the termination policy a player can have their participation terminated for cause during the season.

Physical Condition and Insurance

Player attests that Player is physically capable of participating in the Activity and has no known health restrictions that might jeopardize his safety or health or the safety or health of others during their participation in the Activity. Player further attests that Player possesses private healthcare insurance that will be responsible for all costs and expenses of any medical treatment for any damage or injury to the Player that may be caused by engaging in the Activity. In the event of injury, the Club may require Player to provide a physician’s release in order to recommence participation in the Activity.


It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that, if any clause or provision of this Release and Waiver or the application thereof is held illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under present or future laws the illegal, invalid or unenforceable clause or provision shall not affect other clause, provision or applications of this Release and Waiver which can be given effect without the invalid clause, provision or application. To this end, the clauses and provisions of this Release and Waiver are declared severable.

Governing Law and Venue

This Release and Waiver shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the Laws of the State of New Jersey. The venue for any action arising out of this Release and Waiver shall be Burlington County, New Jersey. The parties agree to submit to jurisdiction in Burlington County, New Jersey. The parties hereto hereby waive any defenses based upon the venue, the inconvenience of the forum, the lack of personal jurisdiction, the sufficiency of service of process or the like in any such action or suit brought in the State of New Jersey.

Media Release

The Club required this player and parent permission to use team/player photographs, videos and /or other various media formats for advertisements, web page information, club flyers etc. In consideration of the opportunity and privilege of appearing in or participating in one or more photos or videos, I hereby consent to the use and editing thereof and release the Club from any and all claims resulting from such use and editing in the club media, and use, sale, editing and release to the newspapers, internet and advertising. I hereby give my consent for the image and likeness of the player to be videotaped, audio taped, or photographed for any use deemed appropriate by the Club from time to time. This waiver includes usage of this media in any way deemed appropriate, which may include electronic and photographical reproductions thereof. I hereby waive any right I may have to inspect or approve any use of this electronic media and/or photographs and I release the Club from all liability which could result from

its use.

Construction and Scope of Release and Waiver

The language of all parts of this Release and Waiver shall in all cases be construed as a whole,

according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any party. This Release and Waiver

supersedes any earlier written or oral understandings of agreements between the parties regarding the within matters. We have read this Release and Waiver and understand its meaning and effect and agree that we will all abide by the rules and regulations of the Club and Representatives and the other matters set out above.

Parent/Guardian #1 (please print) X ________________________ Date: X _________________

Signature: X ____________________________

Parent/Guardian #2 (please print) X _________________________ Date: X _________________

Signature: X ____________________________